Writing Void of Inspiration

I saw an Instagram reel of Octavia Butler speaking on the topic of writing. The late science fiction author was sharing in an interview, her view on inspired writing. She said, "You will not always be inspired, but write anyway because keeping the habit of writing will bring inspiration." That reel was what I needed to hear on a blah day last month.

I haven’t been inspired to take a deep dive into a topic and blog about it. I’m often inspired to write when on a walk, in a conversation with a friend, or through an experience. Yet recently, my writings have been a little scattered in thought and need to be tightened up. In addition, I have been working to narrow down the details of what needs to be included in my dream project – my cookbook. There are also short stories I have written that need work. I am in a season of what feels like confusion and lack of direction of what to do next.

Unconsciously, I pulled back in my writing schedule and began getting caught up on television shows on Roku, specifically old episodes of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians."  Watching these shows allows me to check out and relax.  I’ve been going through a lot of things and lack the drive to keep to my goals of writing and making our house a home. However, the struggle of losing hours to this nonsense is real.

But I think my next move is to consult with a writing coach. Not sure if they exist, but it is worth investigating.

So, if you feel you are lacking inspiration to keep moving forward, you are not alone. Just do one thing and each one thing will compound to the next thing. For me, I’ll lean into the wisdom of the late Ms. Butler and write anyway.


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